Bibelquiz 2010
Q 1:
What does Paul written in one of his letters?
a) “Be ye reconciled to God! “.
b) “Strike up a friendship with god! “.

Q 2:
The beginning of knowledge is
a) Friendship with god.
b) The fear of the Lord.

Q 3:
What is more important?
a) My experiences with Jesus
b) What is written in the bible.

Q 4:
God has
a) dictated his word to man and it is unalterable for all times and cultures and obliging.
b) provided important truth for us by the Bible. Our job is to find out how the truth applies specifically to our time.

Q 5:
Through Jesus Christ
a) I can start a new fulfilled life and, incidentally, my sins will also be forgiven.
b) I have peace with God, because he forgives my sins and because I follow Him, I have a fulfilled life.

Q 6:
The Christian Church was
a) created for man and for the fulfilment of his needs.
b) created for God, to glorify Him, and for Christ, to serve Him.

Q 7:
My action as a Christian in things like Evangelisation and Church Growth
a) Is strictly guided by the revelation of the Bible.
b) Is guided by what works best for Jesus and promises success.

Q 8:
I receive restoration of communion with God
a) by repenting and supplication to receive the Holy Spirit, who himself bears witness with my spirit, that I am a child of God.
b) by being called to a life for God in the kingdom of God and I wholeheartedly heeding this call with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Q 9:
The Kingdom of God will be built
a) By our building the kingdom of God and handing over to Jesus a changed world, which He needs only take possession of.
b) after the rapture and the dominion of the antichrist for about 7 years after which He will destroy the Antichrist and his army.

Q 10:
The “straitened way – narrow gate”, vs. the “broad way – wide gate”
a) represents „Christianity“ vs. “World“.
b) are intended for Christians.

Q 11:
The presence of Jesus and growth in faith
a) I intensify these through Christian techniques and exercises like devotion, contemplation, special acts of prayer or through the power of imagination.
b) I experience these through sanctification and promises of Jesus that He will be with me.

Q 12:
In our day and age, the best way to let God speak to me and get to know his will is
a) to make myself empty, under his protection, while I pray and listen intensely.
b) to pray for His guidance while I read the bible and that He will speak to me through His word the bible.

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